Video creation, replication, transmission, and distribution have become almost effortless thanks to the internet’s increasing penetration and the high quality of service provided by network providers. As a result, digital content must be safeguarded and intellectual property rights enforced. In spite of the fact that DRM protected content is secure while being transmitted, there is an obvious risk of piracy once it reaches the user’s device. As a result, watermarking techniques are required to prevent the content from being illegally distributed and to identify the source of leakage.
It is necessary for watermarking methods to include information in the watermarks and extract it if a piece of content is illegally repurposed. Depending on the intended use, the embedded information may be restricted or unrestricted. Using video watermarking technology for copy protection, for example, necessitates the use of unrestricted key watermarking technology so that the watermark can be read by all users. However, restricted-key watermarking techniques are used if the embedded information’s security is a primary concern. In order to address the various security levels required for video protection, the use of cryptographic techniques is prominent. Efficiently combining the advantages of data concealment and cryptography can be achieved by using encrypted data. It makes it much more difficult to detect watermarks and prevents them from being tampered with.
Since a different secret key is required for each watermarked copy, the secret key could include identification information for source authentication, a set of codes or parameters from the original un-watermarked content. To both embed and detect the watermark, you’ll need access to this secret key. Security risks could arise if watermark detecting methods were somehow made available to attackers. However, this is unlikely to happen.
The same secret key is used to insert and remove watermarks in a secret key scheme. As a result, a secure channel must be used to transfer the key from the owner to the viewer. A public key can be used to verify the asset’s integrity and ownership in the case of public keys. A private key is used by the image’s owner to add a watermark. Anyone can use the public key to extract a binary watermark from a watermarked file during the extraction process, indicating any changes that have been made.