Studying Engineering is An Honored Academic Endeavour

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median pay of a degree holder civil engineer is over $40 per hour, which translates to over $ 80000 a year! You might wonder how those people reached that pay grade with a few academic credentials; they went to the best civil engineering colleges! A civil engineer is the second most important person after a doctor who gives us good shelter and business premises.

Most websites place a civil engineering course in the second or third place of the hardest or demanding courses. Practically engineering requires a tough head! However, the best thing about engineering is that one-half of dedication and commitment is fulfilled by a student, while the remaining part is for civil engineering colleges. That is why the choice of engineering college is an important aspect of your academic life. But before that, let us look at what it takes to join a civil engineering college.

Before you even think of steeping in a state moderated engineering class in the USA, you must settle whatever conflict you have with math! Impeccable math skills and exemplary understanding of sciences are basic requirements. Unfortunately, these aren’t the only requirements to join engineering colleges;

       A high school certificate

       Competitive GPA from high school starting at 2.8

       Official results showing you passed the ACT or SAT test

       Proof that you scored high grades in physics, calculus, algebra, etc.

       You must  write a 500 to 600-word statement of purpose

If you are qualified at the high school level, every engineering college is happy to welcome you.  However, before considering selecting any civil engineering college, check the following;

  1. Culture

Culture is at the heart of any academic institution. It is unique to a different institution and affects students differently. The best way to understand how an institutional culture will impact your life is by physically visiting the institution. In case you have connections like friends learning there, you can also ask them.

If you don’t like certain cultures about a college, you better move one! Because you can’t drive excellent results while the environment you are studying in is conflicting with your personality.  But if everything is ok, get to work!

  1. Location and amenities

Location is another important aspect while selecting the best civil engineering colleges. How far is the college from home? Most students prefer studying close to their homes, but if you are kind of an adventurous teen, distance doesn’t matter!

 Also, look for public transport systems.  Are the available means of transport effective? At times you may leave college for either part-time jobs or mini-adventures, so you need effective transport systems that offer timely services.

When visiting a new area, ensure you can locate some social amenities like hotels. Hotels are vital stopping points and socializing hubs where you always meet new friends and share ideas.

Wi-Fi spots are things you should look for. Engineering is a complex course that requires uninterrupted internet connectivity to complete assignments on time.

  1. Job opportunities

You will realize that you are a grown-up once you leave high school; hence you need to work and sustain yourself. The ripple effect spills to engineering school – you need to find job opportunities around the college that will earn you income. Therefore before you join any engineering school, go for a job reconnaissance mission.

Those institutions located in the suburbs of cities are preferred because they are close to major job opportunities. Part-time working will relieve you from the financial stresses most American students nowadays face. Don’t forget the same effect will reach your parents! If you have younger siblings, your parents will save for them.

  1. Available programs

Across the nations, there are colleges known to excel in a particular program of civil engineering. It is better to join an institution that has built a reputable image and is among the competitive colleges offering your program.

  1. Entry requirements

Not all colleges admit students based on a standardized final score. Colleges have their own way of determining who to join their engineering school and who not. It’s better you acquaint yourself with such a college requirement!

To increase the chances of landing on good civil engineering colleges, send many applications to various colleges. And if your primary choice has tough selection criteria, don’t lose hope; turn back and try other colleges. In the end, you will land in the best college!

Civil engineering FAQs

Is civil engineering hard?

Human is a crafty being, and he works his way out of any situation, including education. If a human-introduced the concept of engineering, what makes it difficult for you to pursue it? Sheer determination,  dedication, and hard work will push you through complex engineering courses, and you will earn honorable grades. So there is nothing hard about engineering.

Does GPA matter in civil engineering colleges?

GPA is the criteria used to measure your performance. While in any educational institution, don’t relax, thinking your GPA won’t affect you. In fact, a GPA will determine whether you are fit for engineering classes or not. If you continuously produce a lower GPA, most universities will expel you.

However, at the professional level, GPA is mostly used to craft an appealing resume.  Here, companies look for experience. Most engineering students gather a small fraction of experience at the college, but after a four internship period, you are a seasoned engineer!

Though most people assume that experience is superior to GPA, don’t mess with your performance! It will portray the bad side of you- lazy and unqualified!

Which civil engineer is paid the highest salary, and how do they qualify?

On average, a civil engineer bags over $65000 annually. But within the civil engineering fraternity, there are five subdivisions- construction, structural, transportation, geotechnical, and water resource engineers. A structural engineer is the highest paid engineer with an annual salary of over $ 90000, followed by geotechnical.

Engineering is not for the faint of heart, and anybody willing to join the structural engineering occupation and earn handsome pay needs to work hard. Furthermore, there is a long list of certifications you need to qualify before working.

How are civil engineers certified after graduating?

The dream of any student is to graduate and join the workforce. But for civil engineers, graduating from college opens a new forum of different certifications from engineering bodies and the state department.

In the USA, working as a civil engineer requires a four-year ABET-accredited degree. Furthermore, 6-hour multiple-choice questions, known as FE- fundamental of engineering which are always done during the last semesters at Civil Engineering Colleges. You should also pass an 8-hour professional engineering exam. This exam is held twice a year, in April and October. Please note that a four-year experience is required for certification.

Engineering courses give you the privilege to understand how to construct colossal buildings, build roads on impassable terrain, engineer gravity-defying bridges, etc. all these are great jobs recognized worldwide! Thanks to your hard work and dedication you invested in civil engineering colleges, you are now a certified engineer! If you are ready to keep your fears aside and pursue engineering, do it right now, you aren’t late.


Miller Tristan

Miller Tristan