What Types of Safeguarding Jobs Are There?

Are you an experienced educator looking to branch out into a specialism? Training further in safeguarding may be exactly the skill set that will set you apart to potential employers.

Safeguarding refers to the skill it takes to make sure each one of your students is as protected as you can make them. When a student comes to you for instruction, they should feel the sense of safety granted by the duty of care you have to keep them safe. Safeguarding training can teach educators how to identify signs of malnourishment, dangerous topics of conversation that might indicate deeper problems, and even neglect or abuse. As such, it is a vital part of the health and safety of schools, recreation centres, gyms, and every other organisation where people go to learn lessons.

Areas Where We Need to Safeguard

Safeguarding is not just for children. It is important to talk about this before we go any farther. The UK government implements this type of training so that any facility which facilitates child-adult relationships go through parts of this training. Adults may also need safeguarding at vulnerable times.

For example, children with special needs who join a theatre group might well do so in the care of someone who has taken safeguarding training. In after school clubs, Church groups, book clubs, and anywhere adults and children share a space, usually with the aim of learning or playing. Even online learning environments require some level of child protection. Those trained to spot the signs can see the symptoms of abuse and neglect even in the virtual world.

What’s the Best Safeguarding Job?

The best safeguarding position for you is the one which your personality lends itself to. Study towards your goals faster by leaning into what you are good at. Find the best Safeguarding Jobs in your area by choosing from the following list of potential safeguarding jobs. Keep the people you look after safe from harm both under your guidance and in other situations, by giving them the knowledge to protect themselves.

The Different Roles Within the Safeguarding Industry

Sometimes giving a child or vulnerable person a voice is all it takes to detect neglect, abuse, or worse. Be vigilant, train up, and check out the following jobs.

Family Safeguarding

A family safeguarding position might have a specific name. For example, you may find employment working for a domestic abuse charity. This is thoroughly rewarding work but it is a tough type of job. You could be in social work, social care, or working in a contact centre were separated families can have supervised visits.

The Safeguarding Advisor

If you are well-versed in child protection, a safeguarding advisor hires themselves out to companies who are expanding into certain areas of education or recreation. In this case, you would act as a consultant. The company would expect you to contribute your skills and knowledge to ensure they put adequate safeguarding measures in place. Such measure might include two adults being present at all times and providing a qualified first aider on site.

The Designated Safeguarding Lead, or Chief Safeguarding Officer

Either of these roles involves coordinating and liaising with either one or several schools. This job entails becoming the head of safeguarding organisation, team members, compliance, and observation within their designated region. You may have one of these leads per school, or one safeguarding officer per town. Either of these positions earns almost £50,000 per annum. They are the middle to upper management of the safeguarding system. They convey the wishes of the executives down to the advisors and assistants.

Safeguarding Board Member/Executive

On the higher end of the safeguarding jobs spectrum, you could be one of the people who create the strategies which protect the nation’s children. Your daily tasks may involve meeting other executives in other sectors to make things happen between departments. You may represent government or council interests, or even work close to parliament in policy creation. There should be safeguarding executives as part of the school board for each district to make sure schools are following government guidelines at all times.

Is Safeguarding the Right Career for You?

If you think your future lies in protecting those who study in the UK, these roles might well suit you as a rewarding, well paid career. However you choose to keep the vulnerable people in the UK safe while they are in your care, working towards the same goal is the important part. A job in safeguarding means you are making a difference. You may even change some lives.

Miller Tristan

Miller Tristan