Are Bananas Good for Diabetes

Health experts are always pro fruits. Everyone knows that fruits and vegetables boost your health. However, if you have diabetes, you must be skeptical about having them in your diet. Most fruits are rich in sugars and can be a problem for people suffering from high blood glucose problems, but some fruits can be beneficial for your health, particularly diabetes. Do you know that bananas are good for you? Yes, you heard that right! Bananas are good for your sugar problem.

What Is Diabetes?

Diabetes is a medical health condition in which your blood glucose levels rise. Blood glucose means the amount of sugar circulating in your blood. These sugars in blood are the primary source of energy for your body. Any disruption in their levels may upset your body function drastically. A unique organ known as the pancreas releases a hormone named Insulin. Its role is to regulate and manage the sugar or glucose usage.

Whenever you eat something, the food is broken down into simpler substances, and the sugars from it are used to provide energy to your body. When these sugar levels rise to an unexpected degree, they disrupt healthy body functioning causing diabetes. Diabetes can be of two types. Type one diabetes in Insulin-dependent and type two Insulin resistant.

Nutrients in Bananas

One of the reasons bananas are considered one of the best health foods is that they are nutrient-rich. Now you can enjoy your desserts with bananas because they are super healthy. Bananas provide a variety of essential nutrients, including:

  • Vitamin B6
  • Vitamin C
  • Potassium
  • Magnesium
  • Manganese
  • Fiber

Are Bananas Good for Diabetes?

Many people are of the notion that bananas are not healthy because they are sweet. Therefore, suggesting bananas to diabetic patients can often come as a surprise to them. Also, they are rich in carbs, equal to two slices of bread. But is staying away from bananas the right thing to do if you have diabetes? Not necessarily! Are bananas good for diabetes? Yes! Here’s why:

Glycemic Index

The glycemic index (GI) is a measure of the rise in blood sugar levels after eating carbohydrates. A high glycemic index signifies high blood sugar. Low glycemic index shows that you lack glucose and need to eat something instantly because, just like high sugar, low sugar levels can be harmful. Ripe bananas have a glycemic index of 51. It is lower than the average healthy GI. Any GI below 55 means that the food you eat does not raise blood sugar levels significantly. Unripe bananas have even low sugar levels in them and are safe to consume by the diabetic population. However, over-ripe bananas should be avoided because they have a higher glycemic index.

Resistant Starch

Resistant starches are carbs that resist digestion in the small intestine. These starches ferment in the large intestine. During the fermentation process, resistant starch acts as a prebiotic and feeds the good bacteria present in your gut. Unripe bananas are rich in resistant starch and low sugar levels. This makes them function like fiber in a way, and as a result, they help to manage blood sugar levels.

Satiety Factor

Health experts are always all praises for high fiber content diets. Having more fiber in your meals ensures that you get full faster and stay safe from diarrhea issues. Since bananas are rich in fiber, they make an excellent addition to the diet. Eating less and getting full early is the perfect way to limit your intake and save yourself from high blood sugar levels.

Other Health Benefits of Bananas

While speaking of the benefits of bananas, it is only fair to highlight a few other than diabetes as well:

Bananas and Heart Health

Bananas are potassium-rich. Potassium helps in heartbeat regulation, fluids maintenance, and flushing out the extra sodium from your body. Having a balance between potassium and sodium is essential to maintain healthy blood pressure. When this balance is upset, you experience BP issues.

Bananas and Stomach Health

BRAT diets are popular among people who go through digestive issues more often. If you have stomach problems and your tummy is acting up, your dietician or doctor may suggest that you follow the BRAT diet. If you’re not aware of BRAT, BRAT is an acronym for Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, Toast. Bananas are easy to break down in your stomach, making the digestive process much simpler.

Bananas Have Prebiotics

The potassium-rich contents of bananas can help you manage the side effects of vomiting and diarrhea. This wonder food is undoubtedly a gift of nature because it is also rich in prebiotics. These non-digestible substances promote the growth of healthy bacteria in the digestive tract. These bacteria are known as probiotics.

Bananas and Brain Function

Bananas have amino acids known as tryptophan. This amino acid helps in boosting serotonin levels. Serotonin is a unique chemical that helps you feel good – the happy hormone. Additionally, tryptophan is also beneficial for memory and learning.

Eating the right food is crucial to proper body functioning. Whatever you eat becomes a part of your body and affects your health and wellbeing. The world is opting for healthier diet options with the rise in systemic diseases. However, people often miss out on essential food items thinking that they might be harmful. Before you include or exclude food items from your diet, you should consider all the aspects. If you have diabetes, for example, never miss out on bananas. Are bananas good for diabetes? Yes, they are! Just make sure you are eating the right kind and the right amount!

Miller Tristan

Miller Tristan